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[Biopredic] KIDNEY TISSUES [Biopredic] KIDNEY TISSUES Key features for human kidney tissues Provided with a certificate showing information on the patient such as age, sex, body mass index (BMI), possible disease states etc Only one freezing cycle Tested negative for HIV1/2, HBV, HCV Shipped in less than 24hours at room temperature, in a sterile bottle and in a box containing an iced water pack Or shipped frozen in dry ic.. 2021. 11. 5.
[Biopredic] Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) [Biopredic] Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) BIL1020010 Human Bile, single donor, 10 mL TISSUES BILE HUMAN FROZEN Bioanalysis FEC0010 Human Feces TISSUES FECES HUMAN FROZEN Bioanalysis GLO004A1 Human globular fraction FRACTIONS GLOBULAR FRACTIONS HUMAN FROZEN Bioanalysis PBL0030 Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes CELLS BLOOD HUMAN CRYOPRESERVED Toxicology, Immunology PBL003010 Human Per.. 2021. 9. 15.
[Biopredic] Differentiated HepaRG cells - HPR116 [Biopredic] Differentiated HepaRG cells - HPR116 Key advantages of HPR116 Time-Saving - HepaRG™ differentiated cells are ready-to-use Robust - hepatocyte differentiation level reproducible between batches Reproducible - cells from every tube have the same behavior Easy to use - well adapted to different formats, matrices and supports Long living - HepaRG™ cell cultures remain viable and usable f.. 2021. 9. 7.
[Biopredic] Undifferentiated HepaRG cells - HPR101 [Biopredic] Undifferentiated HepaRG cells - HPR101 HPR101 HepaRG™ cells can be grown in-house up to passage 20 to increase their population or can be differentiated into fully functional hepatocytes-like cells. HepaRG™ is patented. HPR101 is only available under a MTA for academic scientists or through a sub-license established between Biopredic International and researchers from commercial orga.. 2021. 9. 3.