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by 래빗랩스(RabbitLabs) 2021. 11. 5.


Key features for human kidney tissues

  • Provided with a certificate showing information on the patient such as age, sex, body mass index (BMI), possible disease states etc 
  • Only one freezing cycle
  • Tested negative for HIV1/2, HBV, HCV
  • Shipped in less than 24hours at room temperature, in a sterile bottle and in a box containing an iced water pack
  • Or shipped frozen in dry ice parcels
  • Storage at +4°C for fresh kidney tissues or at -80°C for frozen kidney tissues


Human renal tissue samples are collected from patients who have undergone surgery.
The collection, processing and sales to Research Bodies comply with the French Law and ethical principles.
Biopredic International holds a permit (AC-2013-1754) which has been granted by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
The anonymity of patients is maintained and patients sign an informed consent form before donating their samples.


All animal biological materials are obtained from licensed facilities. Renal tissue samples are collected from healthy adult laboratory animals maintained under controlled conditions. A health certificate is delivered by a veterinarian ensuring that the donor animals were healthy at the time of collection.


The kidneys  are highly vascularized organs located in the back of the abdomen with regulate body homeostasis by removing wastes, control the body's fluid balance and regulate electrolytes balance. They play a part in blood pressure control and secrete a variety of hormones (erythropoietin, renin, etc…).