CCPP-006-100 | 6 | 1,90-2,90 | 9,60 | flat | 100 |
CCPP-012-100 | 12 | 0,76-1,14 | 3,85 | flat | 100 |
CCPP-024-100 | 24 | 0,38-0,57 | 1,93 | flat | 100 |
CCPP-048-100 | 48 | 0,19-0,29 | 0,83 | flat | 100 |
CCPP-096-100 | 96 | 0,075-0,20 | 0,33 | flat | 100 |
CCPP-U96-100 | 96 | 0,075-0,20 | 0,58 | U-shaped | 100 |
Manufactured with USP VI crystal class virgin polystyrene in a 100000 grade clean room. Treated surface. Uniform volume and growth surface in all wells. Smooth well surface which is free from striation to maximize the usable growth area. Wells are labeled with alphanumeric code for easy identification. Sterilized by gamma irradiation and certified free of DNAse, RNAse and pyrogens. Lids included. Packed in individual bags.