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Imanis LifeScience

[Imanis LifeScience] pLV-SFFV-Luc2-P2A-Puro

by 래빗랩스(RabbitLabs) 2024. 3. 28.

[Imanis LifeScience]  pLV-SFFV-Luc2-P2A-Puro

AMOUNT 20 ug
PROMOTER Spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV) promoter
TRANSGENE Firefly luciferase (Luc2)
Puromycin resistance (Puro)
LINKER Self-cleavage peptide P2A


Luciferase Expression

HeLaH1 cells were transduced with LV-Luc2-Puro and selected with puromycin. A luciferase assay was performed and imaged with a Xenogen IVIS Spectrum.

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